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R&D / Product Development of a NPK Device


Jan 2020-August 2020 


An in-lab system to measure the Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium - NPK content in agricultural fluid samples.

  • Performed literature review of three types of sensors and selected an optical sensor for the project. 

  • Engineered a unique device in SolidWorks and produced a 3D print. 

  • Utilized Github to track project progress while leading the team through eight months with no complications. 

  • Employed Arduino, AMS AS726x spectral sensor and Super white LED. 

  • Created a structure to pass light directly from the source through the sample and into the sensor. 

  • Designed electrical schematics in proteus software and conveyed spectral data over the serial port. 

  • Received spectral data from the sensor and estimated the nutrient amount. 

  • Coordinated all phases of the project, realizing results within 10% uncertainty, which is acceptable in the agricultural sector where 10% - 15% error is passable. 

Model Expansion

Project Description

Farmers wish to fertilize their soil to improve yield. However, excess manure at wrong times, such as rainy seasons, leads to environmental pollution. E.g. The pollution of the shared Abbotsford-Sumas aquifer. Regulation attempts to combat the pollution by using blanket restrictions on fertilizer application based on the changing seasons. 

  • Thus, farmers and authorities need to know the quality of soil for the following reasons:

         1. For farmers to prove to authorities that they adhere to regulations 

        2. For farmers to better inform their agricultural activities 

  • But current soil sampling techniques, require cores to be taken and sent off to labs whose results return months later. 


Task: To provide a faster method for a farmer to analyze their soil samples, by themselves. 


Runoff of manure affects the environment

Municipal regulation controls when farmers put manure on the soil

Project Road Map

  • Created Gantt Chart for planning and scheduling the project. 

  • Meeting minute were recorded 


Due to remote circumstances Plan A and Plan B was made incase of no access to laboratory 

Plan A

Plan A
Plan B

Plan B

Engineering Design Process

Design process

Final Prototype 

Final Prototype.jpg
System Block Diagram.png

Communication System

Desktop GUI


Comparative Test Analysis

Comparative Test Analysis
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